What Exactly Is An Athlete’s Foot – What Are The Indications

What Exactly Is An Athlete’s Foot – What Are The Indications

What Exactly Is An Athlete's Foot – What Are The Indications

What Exactly Is An Athlete's Foot – What Are The Indications: An athlete's foot, commonly known as tinea pedis, is an infectious fungal infection of the skin on the feet.

It can also infect the toes and hands. An athlete's foot is a fungal illness that is frequent among athletes.

An athlete's foot is not a severe condition, but it can be challenging to treat. If you have diabetes or a weaker immune system and fear you have an athlete's foot, consult your doctor as soon as possible.

What exactly causes an athlete's foot?

You have an athlete's foot when the tinea fungus spreads on your feet. You can catch the fungus from an infected person or from touching contaminated surfaces if you come into contact with either.

Warm, damp surroundings are ideal for the fungus. It can be found in showers, locker rooms, and near swimming pools.

what exactly is an athletes foot

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Who is susceptible to an athlete's foot?

Anyone can get an athlete's foot, but some actions make it more likely. Athlete's foot is made more likely by the following factors:

Barefoot walking in public spaces, including locker rooms, showers, and swimming pools

sharing infected person's socks, shoes, or towels

putting on tight, closed shoes

having damp feet for an extended period

having perspiring feet

a little skin or nail injury on your foot

What are the indications and symptoms of an athlete's foot?

Athlete's foot can cause a variety of symptoms, including:

The soles of the feet or the space between the toes itches, stings, and burns.

Itchy blisters on the feet, cracked and peeling skin, particularly between the toes and the soles.

dry skin on the feet's soles or sides

Rough foot skin

Toenails that are discoloured, thick, and crumbling

detachable toenails from the nail bed

How is the athlete's foot identified?

An athlete's foot can be diagnosed by a doctor based on symptoms. If unsure that a fungal infection is causing the symptoms, he may order a skin test.

The most common test for an athlete's foot is a potassium hydroxide examination of the skin lesion. A small patch of contaminated skin is scraped and placed in potassium hydroxide by the doctor.

The KOH kills the normal cells while leaving the fungal cells alone, making them visible under a microscope.

What is the treatment for an athlete's foot?

Over-the-counter antifungal medicines are frequently used to treat athletes' feet.

If over-the-counter medications are ineffective, your doctor may prescribe topical or oral antifungals.

Your doctor may also advise you to treat the infection at home.

Over-the-counter pharmaceuticals

There are numerous over-the-counter topical antifungals available, including:

Miconazole (Desenex) (Desenex)

Terbinafine (Lamisil AT) (Lamisil AT)

Clotrimazole (Lotrimin AF) (Lotrimin AF)

butenafine (Lotrimin Ultra) (Lotrimin Ultra)

Tolnaftate (Tinactin) (Tinactin)


Prescription medications

Prescription treatments for athlete's foot that your doctor may prescribe include:

Clotrimazole or miconazole topical prescription

Antifungal medications taken orally, such as itraconazole (Sporanox), fluconazole (Diflucan), or prescription terbinafine (Lamisil)

Topical steroid medicines are used to treat painful inflammation.

Oral antibiotics may be prescribed if bacterial infections occur due to rough skin and blisters.

Home health care

To dry the blisters, your doctor may advise you to soak your feet in salt water or diluted vinegar.

Alternative medicine

Alternative medicine practitioners have had some success treating athletes' feet with tea tree oil.

According to a 2002 study, a 50% tea tree oil solution effectively healed athletes' feet in 64% of study participants (trusted source).

Consult your doctor about whether a tea tree oil remedy can assist an athlete's foot. In certain people, tea tree oil can induce contact dermatitis.


In some circumstances, an athlete's foot might cause difficulties. Mild complications include an allergic reaction to the fungus, resulting in blisters on the feet or hands.

It is also conceivable that the fungal infection will reappear following treatment.

If a secondary bacterial infection develops, it might lead to more severe consequences.

Your foot may be swollen, painful, and heated in this scenario. Other symptoms of a bacterial infection include pus, discharge, and fever.

The bacterial infection could potentially spread to the lymphatic system.

A skin infection can spread to the lymphatic system or lymph nodes.

Long-term Prospects

Infections of the athlete's foot can be mild or severe. Some heal rapidly, while others are chronic.

The antifungal medication works successfully for athlete foot infections. However, fungal infections can be challenging to treat.

Long-term antifungal medicine treatment may be required to prevent athlete foot infections from recurring.


There are various things you can take to avoid athlete's foot infections:

Every day, wash your feet with soap and water and carefully dry them, paying specific attention to the spaces between your toes.

It is recommended to wash socks, bed linens, and towels in water at least 60 degrees Celsius. Most cases of athlete's foot should be treated by washing socks and using over-the-counter antifungals.

Disinfect your shoes with disinfectant wipes or sprays (such as Clorox wipes).

Apply antifungal powder to your feet daily.

Share no socks, shoes, or towels with others.

Wear sandals in public restrooms, showers, and swimming pools.

Wear breathable socks made of cotton or wool, or synthetic fibres that wick moisture away from your skin.

When your feet sweat, change your socks.

At home, stroll barefoot to allow your feet to breathe.

Shoes made of breathable materials should be worn.

Alternate between two pairs of shoes, using each pair every other day to allow your shoes to dry between usage.

The fungus will be able to develop because of the wetness.

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