What are the Signs of a Pest Infestation in Your Home

What are the Signs of a Pest Infestation in Your Home

There are several signs of pest infestations that homeowners should be aware of. These include seeing live or dead insects, damage to materials in the home, and hearing noises coming from inside walls. Homeowners who notice any of these signs should contact a professional pest control company to have the infestation removed.

Most Common Signs of a Pest Infestation by Insects

One of the first signs of a pest infestation is the presence of insects. When a building is infested, these creatures will lay their eggs close to the floor. It is common for them to explore the area around their eggs. These creatures also tend to lay their larvae and eggs in dark, damp areas.

Cockroach Droppings

Cockroaches are common pests that can contaminate food, countertops, and even structural materials. Their droppings are similar to coffee grounds or pepper and are less than 1mm wide. The more droppings you find, the bigger the infestation is likely to be.

Cockroach droppings are dark, irregular specks that resemble ground coffee or black pepper. These droppings are usually more visible when a roach has a large population. If you find a lot of them, it's time to call in a pest control professional. Cockroaches may be living in a hidden corner or in your bathroom. They can also be found in garbage.

Cockroach Skins

Cockroaches shed their skin eight to thirteen times before they reach adulthood. This exoskeleton contains allergens and can irritate the skin of humans. This is particularly a concern for those with asthma. The feces and exuviae of cockroaches are often confused with mouse excrement, but cockroach excrement is different and is usually found near the cockroach's habitat.
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When you see cockroaches, you will notice their brown and irregularly shaped skins on the walls of your home. Cockroaches lay their eggs in a capsule called an ootheca. The ootheca contains several eggs and can vary in size. Cockroaches can also chew through food packaging or book pages.

Cockroach Eggs

Cockroach eggs are a common sign of insect infestation. They're a brownish-red color, about five to thirteen millimeters in length, and can be easily spotted with the naked eye. Female cockroaches lay their eggs in egg capsules. Cockroaches will attack organic materials and can produce a musty smell.

Cockroach eggs are not easily mistaken for rodent droppings, which are often oval and textured. These cockroach eggs are made to withstand damp and contaminated environments, making them an ideal place for them to hatch. If you find cockroach eggs in your home, you should immediately take action to remove them.

Sawdust Around Furniture

If you see piles of sawdust around your furniture, it may be a sign of infestation by insects. Wooden furniture will naturally produce dust over time, especially around joints. The presence of wood-infesting insects may cause major structural damage. To detect an infestation, you should conduct a thorough survey.

Wood-boring insects are responsible for most of the wood damage in the United States. They are normally restricted to warmer climates, but in recent decades their range has expanded and they are now present in northern parts of the U.S., including Toronto. Termite infestation is a major problem in Toronto. Typically there are three types of termite infestation: dry-wood termites, subterranean termites, and carpenter ants. Depending on the type of infestation, you should search for small piles of sawdust around your furniture.

Musty Smell

The musty smell in your home is one of the most common signs of a pest infestation. This odor is often caused by mold, which is a very destructive fungus. It can also be caused by the presence of mold-eating mites, which produce potent allergens. It may also be caused by rodents, who can hide behind wallboards or under the floor. The smell is often undetected unless you're paying attention to the activity.

The musty odor is a characteristic of bedbugs, rats, and mice. Roaches and mice, on the other hand, have an oily odor, which makes them difficult to identify. You can also detect the presence of pests by listening to the noise they make. Sometimes, you can even hear squeaking and gnawing sounds, which are a sign of an infestation.

Unpleasant Odors

A pest infestation can give off a foul odor. This is due to the olfactory system of insects that consists of three main receptors: odour receptors to detect pheromones, gustatory receptors to differentiate tastes, and ionotropic glutamate receptors to detect toxins. Various types of insects have different odors. While some smell like dirt, others are attracted to a variety of scents.

House ants, cockroaches, and stink bugs are common insect pests that can leave behind an odor in the home. The odor produced by these insects is caused by their defensive pheromones and chemicals. House ants produce citronella, a distinctive odor.


Nests can be inside or outside of your home and are often an indication of an infestation. Nests can be made of shredded paper, leaves, or insulation and may contain droppings or newborn offspring. Nests are often hidden in crevices, such as walls, so you'll need to regularly inspect your home to spot them.

The easiest way to spot an infestation is to look for pest droppings. Some pests will also leave urine trails or fecal stains around their nesting areas. These can be very visible signs of an infestation, but smaller pests are difficult to detect. Mice, rats, and other rodents will build nests using any material available in your home.
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Other signs of pest infestations are wood or plant damage. Spider mites can live in or near plants and cause damage to plants. If you see a lot of ruined wood, you might have a problem with spider mites.

Damaged Electrical Wiring

Damaged electrical wiring can be an early warning sign of pest infestations. Rodents and other small animals will chew on electrical cords, damaging them. If this goes unnoticed, it can become a hazard, posing a risk of electrocution.

Because rodents chew everything, including electrical wiring, they are prone to causing extensive damage. They can also cause a fire hazard if the wires are exposed or unsecured. Additionally, mice and squirrels that nest around junction boxes can cause electrical malfunctions. This could lead to a fire, which is not only costly but life-threatening. If you notice these signs in your home, you should contact a professional electrician.

Termites and other pests can cause severe damage to wooden parts of your home, including the electrical wiring. These insects also attack wooden floors. As a result, a wooden floor may become uneven. The easiest way to prevent termite damage is to replace the wood completely.

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