Ear Wax Removal By Microsuction At Hinckley

Ear Wax Removal By Microsuction At Hinckley

Inquiries About Ear Wax Removal in Hinckley

In Addition to our new Earwax Removal Clinic in Hinckley, we also have an ear wax removal clinic in Solihull – these clinics also cover the surrounding areas including Nuneaton, Enderby, Market Bosworth, Lutterworth and Burbage.

At Hinckley Health Centre, microaspiration is considered the gold standard for treating earwax blockage and build-up.

This very simple and painless procedure is considered the safest and most comfortable method of removing earwax from the ear canal. An experienced physician uses a suction technique to remove ear wax from the ear.

Unlike ear irrigation, we do not water, which means no mess, and the procedure only takes a few minutes.

A video otoscope is used to show before and after images at the appointment to reassure patients that the ear is free of cerumen.

Ear wax removal expert at Hinckley Hub, Rugby Road, Hinckley LE10 0FR using microsuction. So if you have blocked ears or are concerned about your hearing in general, you've come to the right place.

Please take a moment to browse around, and feel free to find out more about microsuction and read the 5-star reviews our patients have posted on Google and other social accounts.

Ear wax removal by professionals

Our audiologists can remove excess earwax by suction while inspecting the ear. Your audiologists can also remove earwax using other Microsction tool accessories.

If earwax build-up is a recurring problem, your audiologist may recommend that you use ear drops to loosen some of the earwax prior to your appointment and will give you clear instructions on how to use them.

Microaspiration of the ear

Unfortunately, the size and shape of the ear canal, as well as the amount and type of earwax, are genetic, and no amount of self-medication can solve this problem.  If you have a blocked ear, we recommend that you use two squirts of earol two to three times a day for three to four days before your appointment with one of our expert audiologists at the Microsuction Ear Wax Removal Clinic. You can book an appointment at our microsuction earwax removal clinic on 0800 133 7987.

We also have clinics for micro-suction ear wax removal in London micro-suction ear wax removal in Enfield, if you are looking for cheap private ear wax removal in London our micro-suction ear wax removal clinics is to be found at healthfare pharmacy 9 Colman Parade.

Earwax removal by Microscution
The Microsuction Earwax Removal Network audiologist-led organisation owned and managed by Jason Levy. Jason has many years of experience in the hearing industry and has worked in both the NHS and private sector. The Microsuction Wax Network team has been selected for their passion for helping people and their proven experience in healthcare, as well as their high level of training and skills in ear wax removal. Our mission is to provide the highest level of hearing care using the best methods, and our underlying philosophy is “Making the world a better place. One ear at a time”. We believe in the motto “Hear better, live better”.

How often should I remove earwax?

How often should I remove earwax?
The ear canal forms earwax in the ear from the lining of the ear canal. The ears produce wax to lubricate and protect the ear canal. The ear canal is the tube that connects the middle ear to the outside of the ear. Wax protects the ear from bacteria, infection and damage caused by water or trauma. Wax that forms in the canal naturally moves out of the ear and falls out. In some cases, the ear may produce too much earwax. If the wax is causing problems or preventing the doctor from seeing inside the ear, the excess wax can be removed.

With microaspiration, no water is introduced into the ear and the wax is removed only by gentle suction. The doctor performing microaspiration uses a pair of surgical microscopes called “loupes” and a bright light to see the inside of your ear canal in great detail. This way, he can see exactly what he is doing in your ear. The suction cups are sterile, so the risk of infection is virtually zero. For these reasons, microaspiration is considered the safest method of ear wax removal. The procedure can be somewhat noisy due to the pump and the sound of suction in your ear during the procedure, but the procedure only takes a few minutes and the audiologist will be careful not to prolong the procedure longer than necessary.

Book your ear wax removal appointment online today

Microsuction ear wax removal in Hinckley is by appointment only. You can make an appointment for Microsuction online, please book on 0800 1 337 987 or save up to £5 if you book online:

What about wax removal at home

We do not recommend self-medication or earwax removal remedies.

Earwax blockage is often caused by excessive earwax production or improper cleaning. Surprisingly, the most common cause of earwax blockage is improper earwax removal at home. Instead of removing the earwax, it is often just pushed deeper into the ear.

Another common cause is the use of earphones and earplugs, which can also lead to earwax build-up, as earphones can prevent wax from leaving the ear canal naturally or, in the worst case, even more than it would naturally, which can lead to temporary deafness or ear infections.

The most common symptoms of an earwax blockage are dizziness, ringing in the ear, itching, discharge or ear pain. You may also experience a feeling of fullness in the ear or feel like you are wearing earplugs. Trapped earwax is also a major cause of hearing loss.

One study found that 35% of hospitalised patients over the age of 65 had earwax, and 75% of these people improved their hearing after removing it.

What if cerumen removal does not improve my hearing?

Audiologist Jason Levy leads his team of specially trained audiologists and nurses at ten centres in Hinckley, Solihull and the Greater London and Home Counties. Read on to find out where to find our microsuction service in London. To make it easier for you to contact the clinics to make an appointment, contact details are listed on the map at the bottom of this page.  Jason's team are experts at unblocking a blocked ear. To unblock ears, especially to remove ear wax,

Hearing is affected by earwax

Although you may think that earwax is uncomfortable and annoying, the truth is that earwax, also called cerumen, helps to keep our ear canals lubricated, preventing harmful bacteria and fungi from growing in our ear canals. Many people clean their ears at home with cotton buds or bobby pins. However, if so much earwax has accumulated in your ear canal that it is affecting your hearing, it is time to schedule an appointment with our audiology experts to remove earwax in Hinckley.

A microsuction treatment: what to expect and what to do

Clogged ears can be extremely uncomfortable and almost impossible to treat safely on your own. At just ears, we offer a fast, convenient and affordable treatment called microaspiration that can safely remove ear wax and debris from the ear. What to expect during your visit: First, we will discuss your problem with you and explain the procedure. Next, we will carefully examine your ear canal with a special microscope. While we look inside your ear canal with the microscope, we will use a small vacuum to remove the blockage.

What should I expect from ear wax removal treatment? Endoscopic earwax removal involves using an endoscope to remove earwax from the ear. The endoscope is used to directly visualise the earwax as it is removed by gentle suction using a low-pressure suction machine and a sterile fine probe. This is called “endoscopic microsuction”. Microsuction is well tolerated by most people and the results are very effective.

Ear wax removal & ear wax removal by microsuction at Hinckley

At our audiology clinic in Hinckley, we offer ear wax removal using microsuction. The human ear is a complex organ, as it helps us to hear and maintain balance. The ear canal is lined with wax, which is called cerumen in medical terminology. Glands in the ear produce earwax that helps protect the ear from dirt, foreign objects and bacteria entering the ear.

For more information or to make an appointment.

Please visit our website at: https://www.earwaxremoval.net/microsuction-clinic-locations/burbage-microsuction-earwax-removal-hinckley-le10/

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